Contract Address: 0x618679dF9EfCd19694BB1daa8D00718Eacfa2883
Note: Liquidity is on the SushiSwap USDC/XYZ pair.
The Universe is forever expanding at an accelerated rate, all while the xyzDAO controls the future and the fate of this project. Starting with an array of tools and a mission to empower artists, with a DAO that will be governed by the $XYZ token and its community. xyzDAO will be guided by the stars and the carbon that surrounds them as we travel into the cosmic unknowns.
In the Universe, an NFT is minted for each item in a Collection. Each collection of art can include a variety of digital formats including video formats, music, and more. Collections can also hold sub-collections in them. This allows for the creation of additional NFTs such as layers of art, shows, merchandise, music. etc. that can evolve over time under one umbrella community structure.
In this way the Universe Protocol allows content to grow over time with community input, yet retain programmatic links back to its origins and the original creators.
In future build outs we hope to enable the ability to turn collections into mini DAOs along with an integrated social network.
We are developing a trustless decentralized auction house for NFTs. You can use existing NFTs or mint new collections and create a multi-tier auction with multiple winners. At its simplest, you can set up a single tier reserve price english auction that is well known. There will be ZERO FEES for initial auctions, with all revenue going to the creator - we are here to empower artists at our core. However, the xyzDAO will take a 2% fee on every resale on the Universe platform to support continued innovation.
The initial Core Collection will be released to showcase the ease of use for aspiring artists to build and release their own NFT franchise using the features of the Universe Protocol. The Core Collection provides an example for aspiring artists for how to build out your franchise using the features of the Universe Protocol.