Flare is an EVM-based Layer 1 blockchain for building applications that use decentralized data from other chains and the internet. Flare is a layer 1 EVM blockchain that has 2 core protocols, the State Connector and Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO). These protocols allow developers to create an ecosystem of robust and decentralized interoperability applications. The FTSO utilizes the network structure to deliver highly decentralized prices and data series to dapps on Flare, without relying on centralized providers. The State Connector allows information from other chains to be securely and trustlessly used on Flare. Flare’s scalable EVM allows existing EVM tooling and Solidity to be used to launch any existing or envisaged EVM dapp on Flare. Flare’s next generation technology brings fast, secure and efficient transactions with very low gas fees and a small carbon footprint.