Hi, could zapper integrate Yearn Vaults using the yRegistry and API :
This would allow Zapper to automatically integrate any future Yearn Vault (at least in read-only) and display the relevant information.
The API also has a function to display the APY.
Because the getVault function returns many informations including the underlying asset and the price per share, Zapper could use that and it's already established price API to display the value of any user's position.
The registry is responsible for the V1 vaults while V2 vaults are using TheGraph (https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/salazarguille/yearn-vaults-v2-subgraph-rinkeby)
This would enable both released and experimental vaults, which can be distinguished by the "endorsed" variable. Zapper could therefor tag a Vault as Experimental or as Released accordingly.
This would most likely be a one-time setup as all future vaults would use the same framework, enabling Zapper to always be up-to-date
Thanks again !